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There Are Some Things We Don’t Want to Recycle!

Information is not the problem. There is no shortage of information on how people in the workplace feel about their jobs and their work experiences. One recent study of nearly 3000 US workers produced by Walker Information says it all and it’s current. Only about half of workers surveyed (53%) are willing to recommend their

How Are You Responding to Candidate Expectations?

Especially in non-managerial hiring, the perceptions and expectations of job candidates are a major element of job fit and a major factor affecting turnover. In part this is attributable to age, because there is a direct correlation between age and job mobility. With workers under the age of 26 at any point in time about

Improving Communication About People and Performance

Communication is the art of understanding and being understood. Simple as it sounds, we all know how challenging our efforts to communicate can really be, especially when we are dealing with descriptive attributes rather than tangible or quantifiable information. Consider these examples:  He’s a good team player… She has good leadership potential… He just can’t

Understanding the Features & Benefits Sales Style

Among the selling styles we differentiate within the context of OMS is the classic Features & Benefits style. More like the stereotype of the sales person for the past century, this is a style emphasizing persuasive argument over asking questions, handling objections to move the prospect closer to the decision point, hard closing to seek

Managers: The High Cost of Making Exceptions

Two issues prior we looked at manager motivation, especially in larger organizations, which tells us why Need for Power and Need for Achievement result in different management styles that perform best within different job contexts. Both are leadership personalities, and despite the relative differences, have the ability to channel the energies and motivation of other

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