A Smart Website

Make Decisions and Diagnosis Easier and Faster

Innovative technology is a major differentiator of our Organizational Management System. We offer clients unique and valuable features to help them quickly and easily apply the OMS and JAX information to strategic, diagnostic, and assessment applications. In just a few minutes using the OMS website client managers can

  • Pre-screen one or hundreds of candidates based upon job behavioral compatibility.
  • Determine the degree of fit and job compatibility for one person and one job, for many candidates and one job, or even for multiple candidates and multiple jobs.
  • Generate diverse reports to communicate job behavioral and motivational requirements, to help with candidate interviewing, to facilitate employee coaching, and to assist employees in taking ownership for their own career development.
  • Develop composite graphs for groups of people for comparative analysis, for example different work groups, teams, different levels of performance, management style and orientation, and recruiting effectiveness.
  • Search the company OMS database to identify people who are behaviorally compatible with available jobs.
  • Search the company JAX database to identify jobs for which employees are behaviorally compatible.
  • Instantly convert composite patterns of employees into job behavioral profiles to use for selection and placement purposes.
  • Undertake in-depth analyses of employee groups to determine the likely causes and solutions for performance issues, to understand the effects of the culture and management practices upon employee work behaviors, to measure the effects of training, coaching, and other management interventions, and for a variety of other comparative applications.
  • Build employee teams by identifying participants who will contribute specific and complementary behavioral abilities and talents.
  • Convert the psychometric OMS data for individuals and groups into a quadrant-type of social styles model (LSI Interaction Styles) and generate both graphical and report output for integration with communication, customer service, sales, and supervisory training applications.
  • Employ the Group Style Analysis utility to identify the performance attributes (and workplace cultural implications) of management groups or other groups of employees.

ADGI also offers clients customized features through integrating the OMS website functions and data with on-line career and recruitment sites as well as human resource information systems. For one major Canadian retailer we developed with the world’s first totally automated pre-screening process based upon the objective measurement of motivational and behavioral job compatibility.

OMS is a Registered Trademark of The Assessment and Development Group International Inc. © 2025