JAX: Identifying Job Behavioral and Motivational Requirements
Without comparative job-related performance criteria, instruments measuring personality constructs have little if any value in the selection process. When hiring managers simplify, generalize, or stereotype their job behavioral expectations, all too often they find out that their assumptions were invalid, and the people they were trying to hire were not the people they really needed.
A collaborative, behaviorally-anchored Questionnaire, JAX is a group process that enables people in and around a job to combine their unique perspectives to fashion a consensus to create an OMS job pattern. The JAX pattern identifies the behaviors necessary for successful performance, the motivating needs the job activities appear to satisfy, the talents and behavioral abilities that feed into job competencies, and any disconnects between the specific job pattern and the overall work culture.
JAX is applicable to all jobs at all levels in any organization, and the pattern can be validated or reinforced in many circumstances by comparing the results to the patterns of actual job incumbents. JAX is a far more versatile job analysis process than simple job sampling, which creates psychometrically questionable averages unlike any real people in the job. JAX also enables modeling for jobs still being constructed, and can be scored quickly with the results available instantly on the OMS website.
OMS Questionnaire: Objectively Measuring Human Attributes and Differences
The OMS Questionnaire is a self-report personality inventory, which generally takes less than ten minutes to complete. The adjective check-list instrument measures seven personality constructs: Assertiveness, Sociability, Patience, Discipline (need for structure), Behavioral Adaptability, Emotional Containment, and Originality of Thinking. Using two normative scales, Basic Characteristics to measure natural attributes and traits, and Job Adaptation to measure perceived job behaviors, OMS enables users to understand natural or predisposed behavioral inclinations as well as the adaptive behaviors people make in adjusting to their perception of their work settings.
Design is a critical factor in how tests and instruments may be used. Unlike many popular Ipsitive (forced-choice) instruments that cannot generate normative scores and other tests that use raw scores only, the OMS Questionnaire is a more precise instrument that enables the comparison of respondent scores, which is essential for selection and screening applications.
The OMS website enables client users to administer the OMS Questionnaire electronically on-site or via email link, and, upon completion of the Questionnaire, to instantly review the graphical pattern results as well as to access a variety of informative analytical functions and application reports for assessment, management, and development. The design of the OMS allows respondents to select from among a large number of languages, including major European languages, Latin Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Hindi, and Punjabi.