Maximizing Human Performance Learning Objectives

Maximizing Human Performance Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn how to predict how personal motivation needs influence specific workplace behaviors.
  2. Learn how to understand the features and talents of different personality styles and to visually quickly see the differences that distinguish personalities and that affect job performance.
  3. Learn how to make more accurate placement decisions by understanding the layers that underlie actual job behavior, and distinguishing between natural and projected or adaptive behaviors.
  4. Learn about the factors that control our ability to change and to adapt to job expectations, including determining how much change people can reasonably make and how to manage and facilitate that change.
  5. Learn the management tactics that will have the greatest impact upon performance with different personality styles for communication, motivation, coaching, and performance management.
  6. Learn how to calibrate human behavior and precisely match people to job requirements – to see traits and attributes in degrees and in comparison to other people rather than in simplistic black and white terms.
  7. Learn why it is so easy to misread what other people are like in our interactions with them, including interviews, and why interviews are so ineffective at predicting specific job behaviors and overall job performance.
  8. Learn about the Law of Small Differences – how very minor and subtle differences in personality structure produce such significant variations in performance.
  9. Learn about the thin margin that separates workaholics from people with a more balanced lifestyle, about the attributes that control our response to workplace stress, and how such behaviors can be measured, predicted, and managed.
  10. Learn how to see the stress response in other people and to understand the impact of change and problems.
  11. Learn what differentiates talents/abilities and skills, and what people can and cannot change about their work behaviors through coaching and development.
  12. Learn how to use the OMS as a diagnostic tool to precisely analyze the nature of the workplace culture and normative behaviors within a group, which is critical to planning change and transitioning to new operational strategies.
  13. Learn how to quickly identify how people will work together in groups and teams, and to accurately predict what management tactics will produce the best results from the team.
  14. Understand the practical but subtle differences between selling styles that differentiate people with high potential for consultative sales, relationship management, features and benefits selling, promotional sales, technical sales, and retail sales.
  15. Learn about your own style within the broader context of personality, how to maximize your talents and abilities – and your performance – through your decisions and relationships with other people, and how to assume more control over your own career.

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