Learn how OMS can help you accurately identify high potential candidates, reduce hiring mistakes, and more successfully coach and engage employees…
Are hiring mistakes derailing your plans and eating deeply into your profits?
You can do something about that with OMS, a powerful management decision-making process.
With the OMS tools and training you can make more factual, objective strategic, operational, and people management decisions… You can simplify people decisions, make them faster and with greater clarity… you can more accurately understand the implications and predict the outcomes of your decisions, and you can make decisions with greater certainty and fewer unintended consequences. With OMS you can utilize scientific algorithms to objectively compare people and jobs to determine job compatibility, behavioral and motivational fit, and development needs… By removing subjectivity and the guesswork OMS means higher performance, fewer costly bad hires, and less disruption to your sales and business plans. |
Are management issues with coaching, leadership, and resolving people-problems challenging your growth?
Now, there is a solution: the OMS suite of timesaving, easy-to-use productivity tools…
With the OMS Interaction Styles training and the Interaction Guide series of reports your managers have access to tools and guidance to help them dramatically improve their interpersonal and influencing skills, performance coaching, and day-to-day people management. Every manager in your organization can have a personal strategy and tactical plan for coaching every employee created by taking into account both the employee’s and the manager’s behavioral styles. Every manager in your organization can understand and better utilize the individual talents that each employee brings to the workplace, better understand the differences and tap the motivating needs of each employee, and be more responsive to individual management expectations and preferences that have such great impact upon engagement and retention. |
Speak with an OMS representative to get more information about how OMS can help you take your business to a whole new level of performance and profitability…
H. Frank Gump, The Assessment and Development Group International, Pinehurst, NC
Frank Gump is president of the Assessment and Development Group International Inc. (ADGI), the developer and distributor of Organizational Management System (OMS). Started by Mr. Gump in Toronto in 1971, ADGI is now based in Pinehurst NC.
Mr. Gump, who holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Dartmouth College, has been a consultant, trainer, and assessment technology developer for more than 40 years. Personally and through his consulting associates, he has implemented assessment and performance improvement solutions in more than 1500 organizations in Canada, The United States, Australia, the Pacific Rim, and Europe., and has trained more than 15,000 managers in intensive seminars on making objective people decisions.
Throughout his consulting career Mr. Gump has been involved with an extensive range of selection, assessment, organizational development, surveying, and performance management assignments, including management and sales force audits, the identification of role competencies, job analyses, and the evaluation of management and leadership potential. He has designed numerous selection and performance management systems and training programs, and has pioneered numerous innovations in the assessment field, including industry career centers, video-based testing, the use of mini-simulations for hiring, computerized job analysis, and iPhone application productivity tools for managers and sales people (www.careertalents.com).
Throughout North America and abroad, Mr. Gump has spoken to and conducted workshops for training conferences, sales and marketing organizations, business clubs, and many industry associations and groups. He has authored research reports and articles on organizational behavior in publications such as the Human Resources Professional, Human Resources Management in Canada, and the ASTD Training and Development Journal. Currently a member of the Society for Human Resource Management and the Association for Talent Development, Mr. Gump is a past member of the HRPA with a CHRP designation.
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