Tag Archives: Job Fit

Interaction Styles

Interaction Styles for Developing High Performing Teams and Skilled People-Managers ADGI licenses the specialized OMS application Interaction Styles at no cost to clients to greatly enhance the value and benefits of OMS. A proprietary variation of the popular Social Styles model of interpersonal communication, Interaction Styles is designed to enable employees to show respect for

OMS Measurement & Assessment Tools

JAX: Identifying Job Behavioral and Motivational Requirements Without comparative job-related performance criteria, instruments measuring personality constructs have little if any value in the selection process. When hiring managers simplify, generalize, or stereotype their job behavioral expectations, all too often they find out that their assumptions were invalid, and the people they were trying to hire

Solutions for Retailers & Franchisers

Looking Glass is a cost-efficient assessment solution designed to meet the  particular needs of franchisors, franchisees, and businesses such as retail or hospitality that have multiple geographically-dispersed outlets. In these types of decentralized and often far-flung businesses where hiring is the responsibility of the franchisee or regional and store management, with little opportunity or time

A Smart Website

A Smart Website to Make Decisions and Diagnosis Easier and Faster Innovative technology is a major differentiator for Organizational Management System. We offer clients unique and valuable features to help them quickly and easily apply the OMS and JAX information to strategic, diagnostic, and assessment applications. In just a few minutes using the OMS website

Organizational Management System

OMS… A decision support technology and process to optimize all your people decisions Hire: OMS the Key to Smart Decisions & Competitive Advantage Decisions are the engines that drive our businesses. Top performance begins with smart hiring decisions. Get the information you need about performance potential, job behaviors, and job fit. With OMS get it

OMS is a Registered Trademark of The Assessment and Development Group International Inc. © 2024